The Let's Play Archive

Aerobiz Supersonic

by A_Raving_Loon

Part 2: Getting Started

Getting Started

The year is 1955. Air is in business, and business is good. We're getting on this in a big kind of a way, and riding it all the way to the big time. We're getting on that plane and we're doing it tonight - now and for the rest of our lives. We're taking the midnight plane going anywhere.

Where are we going?


Easy-Mode One. Europe is home to many large and prosperous cities within fair distance of each other, in countries who are mostly on good terms. Aside from that whole "Cold War" thing. They're also in fair range to reach out to North America, Africa, and the Middle East.

City        Pop(M) Econ Tour
----------  ------ ---- ----
London      5.6    46   42
Paris       1.8    40   55
Rome        2.2    36   45
Amsterdam   0.3    18   36
Frankfurt   0.2    14   20
Berlin      2.0    20   20
Moscow      5.0    28   12
North America

Easy-Mode Two. Almost entirely composed of the USA, success here is won or lost based what Uncle Sam thinks of you. He takes care of his own. Limited options for branching out though, as the Pacific Ocean is quite large.

City        Pop(M) Econ Tour
----------  ------ ---- ----
New York    5.4    50   46
Los Angeles 2.4    44   48
Chicago     2.2    48   35
Dallas      0.8    33   32
Washington  0.4    46   40
Vancouver   0.3    22   47
Atlanta     0.2    20   30
South America

Medium-Hard Mode. Some large but sub-par cities held by countries who don't have the greatest diplomatic standings or care much for each other.

City        Pop(M) Econ Tour
----------  ------ ---- ----
Sao Paulo   6.8    16   9
Mexico City 5.4    28   29
Havana      1.4    14   12

Hard Mode One. One decent city surrounded by miles of aeronautic wasteland.

City        Pop(M) Econ Tour
----------  ------ ---- ----
Cairo       4.0    24   30
Tunis       0.5    10   20
Middle East

Hard Mode Two. More poor cities in poor countries who all despise each other.

City        Pop(M) Econ Tour
----------  ------ ---- ----
Tehran      4.4    22   10
New Delhi   3.6    10   16
Baghdad     3.5    20   14
Southeast Asia

A happy Medium. Plenty of options, plenty of people to move, some countries willing to cooperate with each other.

City        Pop(M) Econ Tour
----------  ------ ---- ----
Beijing     7.5    26   22
Tokyo       5.2    30   20
Bangkok     5.0    16   33
Hong Kong   4.1    37   31
Seoul       4.0    16    8
Singapore   1.4    20   27
Manila      1.3    14   16

Another Medium. Has a handful of adequate cities that can get you started. Takes a rather long haul to get out to other regions, as it's a long way to your nearest neighbor in Asia.

City        Pop(M) Econ Tour
----------  ------ ---- ----
Sydney      2.8    34   17
Perth       0.8    18   20
Auckland    0.1    15   29
Name and Colour our Airline, and Chose our Starting Hub!